“Vibrant Blossom” Summer Exhibition
「花枝招展」- 夏季畫展
Date日期 : 06. 08. 2012 – 01. 09. 2012
Summer is the season of flowers. The bright summer sun shines on the blooming flowers, the gentle breeze sends forth wafts of fragrance that attracts bees and butterflies buzzing around, enabling us to catch the truth, goodness and beauty of nature., Most artists love to paint flowers. They employ different means of expression as their hearts lead them, in a realistic or abstract way, and use their brushes to capture the brilliant blossoms on canvases to demonstrate their passion for life and their zeal for living life., The summer flowers are a symbol of life that allows us to feel the joy of being alive and the meaning of life! Artists paint flowers in full bloom to express the vitality of life. We hope the floral paintings will bring you joy, hope and wonderful experience; and let most of us living in high-rise buildings experience the beauty of nature.
夏天是花的季節,璀璨的陽光照耀在綻放的花卉上,空氣混著花香,蜂蝶繞花飛舞,讓人感受到大自然的真、善、美。, 從古至今,不少藝術家喜愛畫花,他們以不同的表達方式,或寫實、或抽象,把花卉最燦爛綻放的片刻活現於畫面上。每位藝術家各自以真誠的心捕捉不同花卉的性格,以畫筆展現它們的嬌姿美態,亦展示自己對生命的熱情及生活的熱愛。 , 夏天的「花」,是生命的象徵,讓我們感受到生存的快樂,生命的意義!藝術家以畫表達百花盛放的生命力;我們希望大家在欣賞美麗作品之餘,能為您的生活注入更多美好、美麗、美妙的事物,也讓置身高樓大廈的我們,都能感受到大自然的美。