Laurie Justus Pace

Laurie was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1952.  After completing her undergraduate degree of Commercial Art, Laurie worked as the head artist in an advertising agency. She renewed her love for art and music by teaching children in the community and forming the ‘In Perspective Studio’ in 1982.

As an artist, an art teacher, and a musician, Laurie is intensely aware of the rhythm that weaves its way into her work. She feels there is a story to tell as she comes to canvas. Growing up in the open prairies of Texas, Laurie has grown a passion for painting animals, especially horses. Her horses have a unique style, bold and vibrant. She loves working with oils and intense colors. Her use of the palette knife and wide brushes brings energy to her paintings.

Laurie has taken first place in professional works on canvas in 2001, 2003 and 2004. She has donated work to various charities and rescues throughout the United States.

Laurie Justus Pace 1952年生于美國密蘇里州聖路易斯市。在大學主修商業設計,副修歷史。畢業後從事廣告設計;工餘在社區中心教授小朋友音樂及舞蹈,並于1982年成立 ‘In Perspective’工作室,開始畫家生涯。

作為一個藝術家、音樂人及教師,Laurie 心深意識到交織在她工作中的韻律,她的每一幅作品,都訴說不同的故事。在德州大草原長大,Laurie 熱衷於描繪動物,尤其對馬特別關愛,她視馬為最壯麗的動物,與人類有特殊緊密的關係。Laurie 畫馬,作風獨特,大膽活潑;她喜愛鮮明的顏色,用她的畫刀及畫筆,為馬匹帶來力量與生氣。

Laurie 于2001、2003及2004年分別獲美國航空國際藝展第一名。作品層在多處展覽;她經常捐贈作品予美國慈善機構及組織籌款,關注社區及弱勢團體。

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