“Charming Landscape” The Pointillist Solo Exhibition of Chen Zhang Hong
「「山水有情」- 陳章紅的點彩世界畫展
Date日期 : 02.05.2012 – 30.05.2012
Chen Zhang Hong was born in Yangjiang City, Guangdong province, China, in 1966. He graduated from the Arts School of the Zhanjiang Normal University in 1988. After his graduation, he worked as an artist and arts teacher. Since 2005, he became a full time painter and currently resides in Yangjiang City.
Growing up in countryside of southern China has given him the most profound feeling and sensitivity to art. His dialogue with nature is carried out symbiotically through his works. For Chen, there is nothing static in his approach, but rather an oscillation, a dynamic movement of nature. He sees the beauty of nature and his paintings explore a philosophical and poetic side of life.
He takes technique seriously. He integrates Seurat’s pointillist method to best represent a harmonious life. Each point, each line and each segment combines with his enviable energy, perseverance, passion.
Chen’s works are collected by corporate and individual collectors in US, Europe and Asia.
陳章紅 – 1966年生於中國廣東省陽江市,1988年畢業於湛江師範學院美術系。其後從事創作和藝術教育工作;2005年轉為全職畫家,現居於陽江市。
從小在南方的農村長大,他的作品展現著一個長期勳陶於自然領域的人如何看待和應對世界的態度。他希望以繪畫為媒體,喚起大家對自然美的重視乃至整個生態環境的關懷。他能夠在龐大的畫面上,準確而深入地保持空間的平衡,明暗交錯,冷熱相間。每畫一次,都是一段感情;象徵背叛傳統的風鳥,追尋自我的故事。其作品均以緩慢的節奏,在尋常的事物裡發現迷人之處,在叙事中帶有一種詩意的哲學思考。他揉合點畫始祖 – 秀拉的技術,求新求變的作風、成就了自成一格的點畫派風格,示範了萬物歸一自然繪畫的各種可能。
Remarks by Art Critic
The Chinese contemporary art scene and the market for this work is still in its infancy. It has really just begun. I think the biggest challenge for contemporary artists in China is to continue making innovative and interesting work that stands apart from the crowd. Chen Zhang Hong’s work has made the exploration of his own presence the subject of his art, ranging fom boat scenes, personage bodies to pointllist landscapes and cosmo. His work is connected intimately with fundamental human experience.
Larry Warsh, Art Critic
Chen’s works synthesize a cosmic order of heaven, land, people, seemingly saying to the viewers – “What A Wonderful World.”
Terry Braunstein, Artist